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Vtipy : Profesionáli : Dvere vs husle

Dvere vs husle
Autor: admin - 14-Mar-2009
1132 ľudí čítalo tento vtip.
Malý Jožko doma hrá na husle. V tom do izby dobehne otec a kričí:
- To mi nemôžeš povedať, že hráš na husle? Ja už pol hodinu olejujem dvere.
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3 ľudia hodnotili tento vtip:
Author: Tiin
Hi,I have a daughter who is 4 and she is atntidneg a montessori prescohol. Thus, I know she's learning really fast in a happy enviornment. What I would like to understand more about the montessori program is how it will be incorporated into the elementary school syllabus? Do the students continue to work in their own pace? How many students will be in one class? Do they have group projects? Do they still have different classes like Science, Scocial studies, PE, etc? Is there going to be any information session that I could learn more about how the montessori program is like? Also, in the previous years, is there like alot of people registering? What are the chance of getting in the draws? I need some backup plans if I don't get in. =) Thanks,Louisa

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